Monday, June 6, 2011


Welcome to life as we know it in Colorado!
Introductions from the top:

Hard worker, provider for our family, has a great sense of humor with a great laugh to match, carpenter, plumber, mechanic, painter, farmer, optimist, incredible dad, patient and loving husband... "Jack of all trades" says his wife.

Stay-at-home mom of four, cook (not so great at times), housekeeper, book keeper, professional grocery shopper, church nursery director, researcher of all things health and nutrition, pessimist by nature, would rather be outside.... aspires to one day have a garden of my own (outside not just in my windowsills), a few chickens and a goat.

Born January 18, 2004. Has a controlling side to her personality, social butterfly, optimistic, gift giver, 1st grader, straight "A" student, loves to read (favorite books Black Stallion and Ramona series), but also loves to watch movies (favorite movie Black Beauty). Favorite food: pizza, and chili. Favorite color: blue. Loves to play outside, and is a "water bug" if there is water around she is drawn to it. Loves to color, paint and make things out of play dough. (picture taken by Aunt Ticia)
Grace age 11

Is 4 years old, born January 16, 2007. Very controlling personality, but also has a sweet and charming side to him, tends to be full of drama with a hot temper, loves to play outside, loves trucks, cars, any kind of ball, trains and motorcycles. Is a perfectionist. Favorite color: gray. Favorite food: macaroni and cheese (note here, I make it homemade not the powdered box kind).
Robert age 8

Sophia Joy 
Is 2 years old, born October 30, 2008. Daddy's girl, sweet, calm, prissy, can be a pistol at times, thumb-sucker, loves shoes, her best friend is Robbie. Favorite food: strawberries, homemade sweet tater fries, and mac-n-cheese. Favorite color: pink. Knick names: Sophie, Princess Bode and Momma Sophie. Loves that she has a baby brother to boss around.(Picture by Aunt Ticia)
Sophie age 6
Is 1 year old, born May 5, 2010. Phillip is our chunky baby. He was 9 lbs 2 oz at birth but was the easiest labor and birth of the 4. He's been an easy baby as well. He has a laid back personality. He loves his siblings and has recently learned how to say Grace which sounds more like G-G. This kid eats just about anything put in front of him. Some of his favorites: blueberry yogurt, bananas, apples, carrots, strawberries, PB and honey sandwiches, beans, oatmeal... seriously he's an eater!
Phillip age 5

October 2014


  1. LOVE IT!!! Makes me wanna come to Colorado and hug every one of 'em!!!! Great pics Aunt Ticia...keep 'em comin'

  2. Love it! Wish we could see you all more often..

  3. Great pictures, sounds like a great family. I relate to the 'jack of all Trades'.
    Have a great Fourth

    Picked anon nothing else would take.
    jack & Sherry
