Tuesday, July 19, 2011

2011 Summer Adventures. . . so far

 Digging out a flower bed


A visit with great friends in St. Louis. Julia and Steve and their new baby Judah.


Cousin Time

A new car

Cartoons on Youtube

Sidewalk chalk... this is how Robbie learned to write the letter "R"

 We put gel in daddy's hair!

When we have days with temperatures above 100 we find indoor entertainment!

Robbie found a silly band at the park. He nicknamed it "my dad"

Long days and nights on the road

Home made tomato sauce

Sorry for the back light. I just love this picture though.


1 comment:

  1. Great pictures of a beautiful family. Love the family time, they do grow up so fast. Enjoy the trials, tribulations and the exuberances that go with the raising.
    Yep fall is upon us.
    From Central Florida!
    Sherry & Jack
