Monday, November 24, 2014

I'm Back

Has it really been over two years since I've blogged on this thing!? I guess I have some catching up to do. Here is the last 2 1/2 years in a nutshell:
My husband and I closed on the farm of our dreams May 14, 2012. We had horses, chickens, acres of land, a greenhouse and a garden. This past summer (2014) my husband got a transfer and we made a move overseas to Germany. The following pictures are of our adventures while living on our Colorado farm.

Our horses Brinkley (left) and Sierra during a snowstorm.


A view of the farm.


Building a chicken coop (that could house a small family).

Storm clouds

Sierra loved the round pen.

Brinkley getting worked in the round pen and Graces' red boots.

Free ranging hens. We often enjoyed farm fresh eggs.

"Gardening is the most therapeutic and defiant act you can do. Plus you get strawberries."
-Ron Finley

Morning coffee with a view.

Building the round pen.

A family picture.

Barn and Sky

Gathering manure for compost.

The garden growing.

(From left to right) Pumpkins, watermelon, corn, Phillip, Sophie, sunflowers, onion, and red potatoes

Slaughtering some hens for meat. The kids often volunteered for many of the farm tasks.

Looking for onions.

Tilling at dusk.

Part of the greenhouse harvest.


Robbie with his chick.

Moving truck.
Last picture of the farm.
Goodbye Colorado.

Hello new adventures in Germany.

In my next post I hope to get some pictures posted of our time so far here in Germany. Hopefully before two years get by me.



  1. Of course we have been missing you. Loved the pictures, the kids look great and so do you guys. It seemed to agree with you..

    So Germany is it? The kids will have a chance to learn BUNCHES good stuff. Keep up the blog when you can.
    Love sent from Florids

  2. Surely this is a site well worth seeing.
