Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Visitors, Heatwaves and Vegetables

Right now there are a bunch of kids running through my house. Some of these kids are neighbors but some I've never seen in my life. I thought I'd take this opportunity to catch up on my blog. Why would I when the house is so full of random children? Because, when my kid's friends are over I am chopped liver... with a side of onions... raw onions and throw in some fermented cabbage. Perfect. Time to type.

The last hiking/camping adventure we took turned out to be, well, the last hiking/camping adventure we took. It has been in the 90s plus humidity. We have decided not to venture out into the wild again until the weather turns cooler. Meanwhile we have had visitors!
Last Monday we met up with old friends from Rob's infantry days. We spent the day at LEGOLAND. I got one picture: we were riding some kind of spinning machine. Knickname: Vomit Initiator. The kids loved it.

Tuesday Rob's aunt and uncle flew in from Indiana. While here, they went to the origin of the Bode family in Hanover Germany with my husband Rob. I'm told it was quite an adventure with the language barrier. It was a unique opportunity for them and we are thankful. 
 Wednesday my dad flew in from London where he is working with his church for the summer.
We were so blessed to have so many visitors, just funny that they were all in the same week.
We spent some time at Rubble Hill. A serene and unique WWII memorial.

Temps were still in the upper 90s plus humidity. Misery. I'm sincerely glad family was here to take the mind off the heat. We "hiked" in a creek one day to try to stay cool.

In other news we have harvested some of our curbside veggies.
Digging out red potatoes.
Our kale got quite large!
We also have had some success with cucumbers and our tomato plants which are in pots on our balcony have produced mounds of tomatoes which are not quite ripe.
We've made sublime memories this summer! Bring on the fall.



  1. Always a good entry with pictures. Yep, that happens more often than most folks think. When the visits are all in the same time frame.
    Enjoy, and it seems you all are.
    Good stuff..

  2. Our time with Robert, Jennifer and all the kids were ever so special. The hospitality and love the entire family show their guests will be cherished forever. We may not be able to keep up with the kids but we love seeing how each of them have grown. Thank you Robert and Jennifer for sharing your family with us. You and your family are very special to both of us. Sorry it took so long for me to find and post this.
    Bill and Janet Bode
