Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Day in the Life

I would like to share what life is like for us here in Europe. But first a little backstory...
We arrived in Germany at the very end of July 2014. It was raining when we landed. The next picture is the very first picture I took of Germany. It was taken on the way to our hotel. There is a fondness I have of those memories of the first few weeks here. What an adventure!

In late July and throughout August the weather was pleasant enough to keep the windows of our apartment open. However it could get quite muggy if there were clouds and no rain. Those were the days we longed for air conditioning. But we have no air conditioning, that is how mild the weather is here. It does rain quite often. Especially throughout winter.
Pictured here is Phillip with Spatzle and pommes frites (noodles and fries). I think he is having some sort of insulin rush, pure joy.
Our first months here we spent our days sampling everything food. German food tastes, how can I put this, yummo! That's right spellcheck, I said, yumm-O. We have slowed down in our "eating out" habits but we still have a few favorites: Schnitzel, Ritter Sport Chocolate, Butterbrezel and Schokolade croissants. There seems to be a bakery on every corner here filled with all kinds of goodness. The baked goods are not overly sweet and do not hang in your digestive system like a brick waiting to break down. The baked goods are light and delicious. My German teacher, a woman born and raised here and now in her 80s, made our class a cherry cake (Kirschkuchen) from scratch. I only mention it because I will have the memory of that first bite with me until the day I am breathing my last breath here on earth. The food here is good.
"Laternelaufen" A German tradition to celebrate St. Martin where children of kindergarten age "parade" through town carrying lit lanterns at dusk.
Our procession was led by a person dressed as St. Martin and riding a horse.
Our 2 youngest, pictured here, have had the privilege to attend a German Kindergarten. Fortunately it is within walking distance and we have walked to and from school nearly every day through rain, snow, fog and sunshine. Germans would be proud of our walking. They seem to have a healthy habit of getting out and walking rain or shine themselves.
We don't mind the walk. Here is what it looks like in each season...




And now what seems to be the beginnings of summer:
They were making "grass angels".

They "swim" in this tall grass nearly every day. Can't beat fresh air, nature and laughter!
Plus I get flowers! My favorite kind. Wild. 
 What have we done for fun around here?

We hike:

Switzerland (this may be one of my favorite places in the world):
The Alps

Rhine Falls

We explore castles:

We bowl:

We whiffle ball:

And so on...
Over the next few months we will be attempting to grow a garden here. We have limited space (mostly a small balcony) but we are determined! I will post the progress on that soon as well as all of our summer travels!
Here's a preview of the garden, little seedlings.


  1. Thanks for the update, what a trip. We were there but for only a couple weeks, my desire was to rent a small house in a small town and stay for awhile, but that did not happen. But YOu guys are living well and that is good. Great life and memories for the kids...

  2. What wonderful memories, and what a beautiful way to keep them! Your children are blessed to have parents who actually interact in special ways...parenting is definitely NOT a spectator sport! We love being able to glimpse your lives on the other side of the planet! Thank you!
